Optica Website Redesign

Computer on concrete


"Bonjour, hi, can I redesign your website please?"
Optica, a Montreal contemporary art gallery, needed a revamp on their website. It was outdated and I took the initiative to make it modern simple.


Okay Google? Search up “Optica Gallery”.
Nice gallery, but horrendous website. It was unstructured and no, it was not simple at all and it was not a simple task. Their navigation links were linking to other links that didn’t relate to the topic, they were using low resolution pictures, the general hierarchy was out of place. Shake my head, please make it make sense. But the only strong point from them, the displayed artworks were nice. But that did not help the fact that I had to basically start from zero. Optica was getting a makeover. Given what I had to do with it, I had to make it clear and clean.

Walking to art gallery
Mobile Website Mockup


The challenge for this project was to find a clear balance in a minimalist approach for a big art gallery. I had to stay coherent in its design and respect the gallery’s look and feel. When I was analyzing all the artists in the gallery on the original website, they all had one thing in common, their works were very soothing and calming. This helped me choose a simple color palette to blend with the various artworks. Since the gallery focuses on local unknown artists, I gave the spotlight to them by making their artworks big, a carousel that viewers can interact with and an archive page that will benefit a lot for the gallery, basically a better user experience. Overall, this project benefited me to become a better problem solver and to be able to adapt quickly outside my comfort zone.

Staring at artworks

(Vitamin Packaging Design)

(STM Art Book)