Olafur Eliasson Book

Photo taken by Francis Tan_Book with case


Olafur Eliasson is an Icelandic-Danish artist known for his colorful monumental and architectural artworks. He also does a lot of paintings, sculptures, photography and film. His innovations revolutionize and completely change the convention of art and enables the audience to step into another world. The goal of this project was to create a book on Eliasson’s works for an art gallery in Montreal. The important aspect of this book is to have readers feel immersed in the artworks, basically experiencing a small art exhibition as if it was Eliasson’s.

Photo taken by Olafur Eliasson_One-way colour tunnel
Photo taken by Olafur Eliasson_Tate modern


There were so many ideas flowing in my mind and I wanted to do everything. However, I had trouble keeping it simple and focusing on one key idea. Viewing countless interviews and articles, I had a clear idea. The book was going to have the theme of the five senses. Additionally, I wanted my book to have a yellow acrylic slipcase so that it could represent Olafur’s works because most of them involve the sun as the main source of light and other element usage. Altogether, people would step into Olafur’s worldwhen they acquire the book.

Photo taken by Francis Tan_BC/Spine/FC
Olafur Eliasson Spread Mockup
Olafur Eliasson Spread Mockup


As I thought the final development of the book was coming together, loading…stuck at 99%. The title and book cover design  were done: they are a porte manteau to Eliasson’s artwork and values as an artist; minimal and structural. But the acrylic casing production was much more complicated than I thought it would be. Outsourcing to a supplier was a rigorous task. There were lots of back and forth and it was time consuming. Gosh, I wished teleportation was a thing. But in the end, we finally understood each other and the supplier did an amazing job on the case. Learning from my experience, outsourcing for a book binder got easier. Thanks to the city’s resources , my vision for the book came to an end. Main takeaway, be specific with your words, the deal is in the detail.

Photo taken by Francis Tan_slip case

(STM Art Book)

(Chupa Chups Ad Campaign)